As we move towards March 2023 and Tasmania Reads ALIA Island decided to ask our members to share their reading tastes. Today we speak to ALIA Island member, Janet Thorp . If you’ve been reading this series you’ll have an ah-ha moment when you realise that two of our interviewees have been reading the same book! Hopefully Janet will have some new reading under her tree tomorrow morning.

We’d love to hear from you! Let us know about your reading style. Hope Santa finds you!

What type of reader are you?
My taste in books is a bit eclectic in that I read mysteries, thrillers, Irish, Australian and American chick lit, humorous stories and I have started reading Tasmanian authors but the light ones, I am too tired to read heavy novels.

I am of an age where I am happy to not force myself to read a book that doesn’t interest me. I always read the first couple of chapters and then the last page. If it is really interesting I might read the last couple of pages. If it is really, really interesting I might read the last pages, some middle pages while still reading from the beginning. I like to know what is happening, hate suspense.

What are you planning on reading next? Why?
I probably read a book each week so I have too many to recommend. The ones I have enjoyed lately are The angry women’s choir, The mistake, The accident and With love from Wish and Co. – possibly because they are set in Hobart.  If you want to be disturbed by a book read the ones by Alice Feeney, they are twisted. What I read next will probably depend on what’s in at Big W or on the book sale trolley at Kingston

Scenario: You open up your beautifully wrapped Christmas present and discover it’s a book. What would your reaction be, and why? (Does it depend on which book you get?)
The dogs always give me books for Christmas so I love opening those presents because I know they have chosen well. They go to the bookshops with money and buy them specially for me, that is my explanation.

Janet Thorp is the Manager of Kingston Library/Libraries Tasmania.

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